My Next Chapter, a New Blogging Revolution

For those who’ve followed me from the start, you might remember that I started blogging way back in 2003. You might also remember that I built one of Norway’s first blog-platforms, which eventually got acquired. Blogging has always been one of my biggest passions, and I’ve been a central part in shaping how bloggers and brands work together in the Nordics.

I’ve been on a journey these last five years in the marketing industry—learning lots of other disciplines of the trade, but I’ve decided it’s time to come home. I’ve gotten an opportunity to work with great people whom I believe can change and challenge the blogging industry once again.

I’ve just announced (you can read the Norwegian press release here) that I’m joining United Bloggers to build and lead their international team. We will move United Bloggers into new markets and challenge the status quo. I’m proud to be a part of this.

I’ll be sharing more about United Bloggers on my blog of course, but today I just wanted to let you know that I’m starting a new chapter in my life.

It’s always emotional to leave a place you love, and I’ll truly miss my friends at Fanbooster. And they have been very supportive of my decision. But this was something that I could not say no to.

I’m so excited to work with all the talented people over at UB, and getting back to the world of blogging once again.

So my journey continues. And I will keep on sharing it with you, thank you for sticking around and supporting me.

Let the second blogging revolution begin!

PodCasting is making a BIG comeback!

n 2007 my business-partners and I almost spent all our money on a big launch of our ambitious service called We thought that PodCasting would be this big new thing everyone would start using, and we where right. Only thing, we were 7 years too early. Les resten av dette innlegget »