Let your audience be your voice

What’s the number one mistake most brands do in social media? They just want to talk about themselves and topics they care about. That turns out to not be the best way to create a community around your brand. Les resten av dette innlegget »

The managing editor of Huffington Post on how to create the perfect headline

I had the pleasure of meeting Jimmy Soni under Gulltaggen. We had a chat about how to create the perfect headline and how The Huffington Post works when they create content that spreads. Les resten av dette innlegget »

The managing editor of Huffington Post about how to create the perfect headline

I had the pleasure of meeting Jimmy Soni under Gulltaggen. We had a chat about how to create the perfect headline and how The Huffington Post works when they create content that spreads.

See all our Gulltaggen blog posts here.

See all our interviews here.

Seth Godin taught me how how to be a better marketer

I had the pleasure of meeting one of my long time heroes and role models within marketing at Gulltaggen last week. Seth Godin had just delivered an inspiring presentation to about 1500 people, after he went of stage I went backstage to talk to him. Les resten av dette innlegget »

Seth Godin told me how to be a better marketer

I had the pleasure of meeting one of my long time heroes and role models within marketing at Gulltaggen last week. Seth Godin had just delivered an inspiring presentation to about 1500 people, after he went of stage I went backstage to talk to him.

He was a really nice guy and even let me interview him. In the interview we talk about his thoughts on what marketers should and should NOT focus on, a little bit about how he works and how he thinks that technology sometimes comes in the way.

He also completely throws me off guard with his first answer to my question. Fun!

See all our Gulltaggen blog posts here.
See all our interviews here.

Originally published in The Fanbooster Blog.

Kjære Rafiq

Det er vondt å tenke på at du ikke kommer til å lese disse ordene. Jeg skulle ønske du hadde mulighet til å se hvor mye du betydde for meg, og lese alle de fine ordene folk har skrevet om deg i dag. Du var unik Rafiq, på alle måter.

Vårt vennskap begynte nesten som i en dårlig amerikansk film. Vi drev to konkurrerende selskap, som begge jobbet med å vise Norge alle mulighetene blogging og sosiale medier ga dem. At det ga alle en stemme, muligheten til å bli hørt. Så vi begynte som “erkefiender”. Det var deg mot meg. Bloggere heiet på oss fra hver sin side. Uten at vi engang hadde møtt hverandre, dannet det seg et spesielt bånd mellom oss.

Det var først når jeg møtte deg, at jeg innså hvor like vi var, og hvor mye vi brant for det vi jobbet med. Båndet ble bare sterkere. Jeg så en styrke og et pågangsmot som inspirerte. Jeg var så heldig at vi raskt gikk fra konkurrenter til venner, og hadde muligheten til å jobbe side om side over flere år. Jeg har aldri møtt en fyr som deg. Det er så trist at du nå er borte.

Jo nærmere vi kom hverandre, jo mer så jeg hvor god du var. Hvor stort hjerte du hadde. Hvor rettferdig og ærlig du var. Du var rett frem, du var ingen andre enn deg selv. Du stod på, du hadde en drøm – og du ofret alt for å nå den. Det beundret jeg ved deg.

Jeg savner allerede stemmen din, ærligheten din og energien du bragte med deg overalt.

Takket være deg og Per har hundre tusenvis av unge mennesker fått en stemme, de har utrykket seg og funnet likesinnede. Dere har skrevet historie. Jeg er stolt av dere.

Jeg er oppriktig glad i deg Rafiq, og det knuste meg når jeg leste at du hadde sovnet stille inn. Jeg håper du fant roen til slutt, og innså hvor mange mennesker som var glad i deg, og heiet på deg.

Fordi det fortjente du. Jeg er stolt av alt du oppnådde, og jeg er takknemlig for alt du lærte meg. Takket være deg er jeg et sterkere og bedre menneske. Selv når du er borte føler jeg et sterkt bånd til deg. Takk for at DU var akkurat deg Rafiq. Glad i deg.


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My first two weeks with Google Glass in Norway, and why I sold them

I’m fascinated by all the exciting innovation Google has accomplished the last few years, one of the coolest things I’ve been anxious to play with is Google Glass. The glasses with a screen above your eye, and Google Now in your head.

It’s not easy to get access to this in Norway. Even Google Norway has only seen and tried them one time, and I heard rumors that Google only have one pair locked down somewhere in Scandinavia. So I had to turn to a good friend in San Francisco to get access to someone who knew an explorer that was willing to sell and ship a pair to me.

After over a week of tracking the package well over 30 times every single day, they finally arrived. And boy was I excited! After taking pictures and videos of my hands for about 10 minutes I decided to install my Google account on them. Doing this in Norway is not a walk in the park. But after using a VPN client on my mac, telling Google I was in California it all went well.

I have now been playing around with them for a little over two weeks, and just sold them to the Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation. Why? Because I was done testing them and it did not feel right having this amazing thing unused in the office and not being used.

Because for now, Google Glass is exactly that. Something you test, play around with – but not something that adds enough value to use on a daily basis. Altho I tried, to my girlfriends frustration.

So what do I think of Glass in Norway?

In my eyes, it’s Google Now and not the Glass itself that is truly powerful. It’s the information when you need it. And that’s why I’m more excited about Android Wear (Google in your watch) then Glass to be honest.

It’s practical to get notifications above your eyesight when you need it, instead of picking up your phone all the time. It’s saves time and keeps you focused.

It’s not local enough yet. I had some cool experiences with it, but naturally it’s not adjusted to the Norwegian market yet.

It’s a really social thing. People come over and want’s to try them on and asks questions. That’s cool.

The price is too high. I love that Google have made over 8000 nerds pay A LOT of money to play with a thing that is not yet ready for the consumer market. But the price would need to go waaaay down before I would consider buying another pair.

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