DNB just made a book for startups – and it’s free (genius content marketing!)

The Norwegian bank DNB is well-known in the local marketing industry as on of the best in their class. Today they’re launching another excellent example on how content marketing can be great for your brand.

Just like John Deere did in 1985 with the worlds first customer magazine. DNB are creating content to help their audience with something – without asking for something in return.

DNB’s target group? Everyone with the dream of starting their own company and working for themselves. In my opinion on of the biggest growing markets out there.

And they’re not building everything around digital (alltho it’s a big part of it of course), they’ve chosen a really old school approach. They made a book, a physical book! And they are giving it away for free!

Of course it’s not the book itself that is the genius move here, all tho I love that they made a book. But they now have a mission. They are taking people on a journey. Helping everyone achieve their startup dream.

Missions needs stories, stories needs content. And DNB got it all. Well played.

Originally published on JustMarketing.no.

Leadership is a choice, it is not a rank.

What makes a great leader? Management theorist Simon Sinek suggests, it’s someone who makes their employees feel secure, who draws staffers into a circle of trust. But creating trust and safety — especially in an uneven economy — means taking on big responsibility. I could not agree more.

I highly recommend to take the time to watch this, and share it with all the leaders you know.

Did you loose your focus? I found mine.

The key to success is to be able to focus. If you can stay focused over time, you’ll get more stuff done.

With focus you get more productive, you create a space where you can reflect and make important decisions on what to do, and when — instead of letting your inbox and the people around you set your priorities for you.

Focus is a rare fruit these days. Most of us are not able to focus at all during a normal workday — you just follow the crazy ride you’re in and see where it takes you. We no longer have work days, but work moments. That’s the new normal. People are stressed, the constantly feel they’re behind on things and most of them don’t have time or the capacity to really focus on anything.

I’ve worked a lot with myself on these things the last year. I felt strongly, like many others, that the days did not have enough hours. I would love 4-5 additional hours every day, maybe then I’d get on top of things again. Maybe then I would be able to focus.

My solution to the problem was often that I spent long hours at the office working, or even worse – spent long hours working from home. This is not the solution.

I strongly believe that it’s important with distinct mindsets between work and life. Alltho I LOVE my job, and are really passionate about all the things I do there — it’s still important to unplug and unwind.

I want to do my best at work every day, and to be able to do that I need clear lines between when I’m working and when I’m not. When you mix these to worlds together over time you’ll get tired, unmotivated and you won’t deliver your best — even tho you will not notice this at first. This happened to me, and as I got gradually more exhausted I became more distant to the people I love. I was constantly thinking about work, on my mobile checking emails and social media and was never 100% “there”. This was not a good way for anyone to live their lives.

Now, my life feels different. Because I’ve been able to create a time and space where I’m able to focus. Totally without anything disrupting me. Where is this magical place you say?

It’s called the morning.

And what a fantastic place it is! I’m all by myself, where my focus is just waiting to interact with me. The birds have not awaken, the streets are empty — just me and my focus.

I try to get up by 05:30 every morning. It’s my alone time, where I do things I normally don’t have the time, and/or focus, to do. It’s a perfect time for reflecting, thinking and just giving myself a break. In my own tempo. No inboxes, people og notifications disrupting me.

I don’t check my phone, I don’t read e-mails. I just work with whatever task I want to be focused on, I go for a run and give myself time to enjoy the silence. Then I take a shower, get ready for the office and a new day. Feeling refreshed, in control — almost zen like. I see all my co-workers getting in, tired and stressed. I get the feeling that I’m one step ahead.. an amazing feeling.

I’m not alone to feel this. There are numbers of books, articles and blog posts all telling the same story. You get more out of your day if you get up early. Our willpower is stronger and we are able to focus better. This is the shared secret between the most successful people I know.

I’ve now organized my days so that I don’t have any meetings before twelve — it’s just me and the tasks I need to focus on. After twelve I let the world in. Meetings, e-mails, notifications — but they feel different now. Because I feel like I’m in control.

I’m focused, and by being that I feel like I’m achieving something. I feel that I’m creating my own success. At work, and when I’m home.